Tel: 505-291-9693 | Cell: 505-459-5477 | E-mail:
© 2023 Michael Leake


The Practitioner

Michael Leake, CVSC, LSH Mike to those who know me, I’m an intuitive Certified Vibrational Sound Coach who trained through SomaEnergetics and am also a Licensed Spiritual Healer under the Federation for Spiritual Healer License Boards. I’m a member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists. Note that I am not licensed as a health care practitioner in the state of New Mexico and do not diagnose or treat disease. This is a complementary modality instead. Earlier in life, I graduated with distinction with a BA in English and a minor in Philosophy from the University of New Mexico. I have a long history of meditation practice and various metaphysical and mystical interests and experiences. At the age of 17, I was able to overcome a bothersome physical issue on the advice of a gifted medical intuitive who was able to accurately pinpoint the cause and recommend an effective, multi-part, non-standard treatment. Ever since then, I’ve had a fascination with health and well-being and unconventional ways of helping to bring them about. Vibrational sound therapy is one such way, though it does not rely on any kind of diagnosis or prescription.

A Passion for Sound

An interest in sound therapy was a natural progression for me, as I play piano and guitar and also write and arrange for the full orchestra. Sound has been a lifelong passion.
Tel: 505-291-9693 | Cell: 505-459-5477 Email:
© 2023 Michael Leake


The Practitioner

Michael Leake, CVSC, LSH Mike to those who know me, I’m an intuitive Certified Vibrational Sound Coach who trained through SomaEnergetics and am also a Licensed Spiritual Healer under the Federation for Spiritual Healer License Boards. I’m a member of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists. Note that I am not licensed as a health care practitioner in the state of New Mexico and do not diagnose or treat disease. This is a complementary modality instead. Earlier in life, I graduated with distinction with a BA in English and a minor in Philosophy from the University of New Mexico. I have a long history of meditation practice and various metaphysical and mystical interests and experiences. At the age of 17, I was able to overcome a bothersome physical issue on the advice of a gifted medical intuitive who was able to accurately pinpoint the cause and recommend an effective, multi-part, non-standard treatment. Ever since then, I’ve had a fascination with health and well-being and unconventional ways of helping to bring them about. Vibrational sound therapy is one such way, though it does not rely on any kind of diagnosis or prescription.

A Passion for Sound

An interest in sound therapy was a natural progression for me, as I play piano and guitar and also write and arrange for the full orchestra. Sound has been a lifelong passion.