Tel: 505-291-9693 | Cell: 505-459-5477 | E-mail:
© 2023 Michael Leake


What kind of tuning forks do you use?

I have a variety of tuning forks, but the primary focus at this time is on those set to the ancient Solfeggio scale, though this will be expanded in the near future. I use both standard Solfeggio energy tuners for use off the body and weighted tuners for direct application to the body. I also make use of Fibonacci tuners, OM tuners, angel tuners and others. The tuning forks and techniques used depend upon the client’s specific needs.

What is the Solfeggio scale?

This is an ancient and powerful scale used by the early church. Chants using these tones were thought to bring great spiritual blessings and be imbued with power. Church authorities maintain that this scale was lost to time centuries ago, though it is far more likely that it was just purposely hidden from the masses. It consists of six tones with particular frequencies, measured in Hertz or cycles per second. Below they are shown from the bottom up, as they occur from the base of the spine upward. Using the Pythagorean method, all Solfeggio tones reduce numerologically to a 3, 6 or 9. This is determined by adding up the numbers until they are reduced to a single digit. For instance, for 396 we have 3+9+6=18 and then, broken down further, 1+8=9. Additionally, each tone is vibrationally connected to a chakra or energy center along the spinal axis of the body. The seventh or crown chakra consists of all the six tones combined together. The modern rediscovery of the Solfeggio scale was made by a physician and minister, Dr. Joseph Puleo. In 1974 he had a mystical vision one evening of numbers flashing across his car’s windshield. During his experience, he intuited that the Book of Numbers contained six repeating numeric patterns that were connected to sound. He then set out on a quest to analyze the text and hunt for the patterns. Once they were found, the patterns became obvious. He realized that these were the frequencies of the six missing tones of the Solfeggio scale. An examination of these textual patterns makes clear that pains were taken to hide this numeric coding in plain sight. It is important to note, however, that absolutely no profession of belief in the Bible, nor any religious orientation at all, is necessary to make use of the powerful Solfeggio scale. The history of the scale and how it came to be used is simply offered here for informational purposes. The important thing to know about the Solfeggio scale is its usefulness in bringing about a state of balance.

What happens in a sound therapy session?

The client lies fully clothed, except for shoes, on a comfortable massage table. Being covered with a sheet or blanket is optional. Tuning forks are sounded and moved through the subtle etheric body that stretches two to three inches beyond the physical body. The focus is on the chakra centers in the spinal system. We work both up the back and down front of the body. Occasionally weighted tuning forks are applied directly to the body in areas specifically needing balance. This generally does not involve hands touching the body, however. Instead it is the base of the tuning fork that rests against the body. If there is any touch or direct contact with the body involved, client permission is always sought first and can always be declined. Clients generally find such sessions incredibly relaxing, and some even fall asleep. But it is also possible that strong emotions, positive or negative, may arise as energy is balanced and released. Sessions generally take between 30 and 45 minutes but can last for up to an hour, particularly with first time clients where introductory information and explanation are offered up front. During that time, sound therapy is discussed, business practices are reviewed and an informed consent form is signed by the client.

Can I bring someone else along to the session?

While solitary sessions are definitely preferable, if it makes you feel more comfortable, an adult friend or family member may accompany you to your session as long as the guest has no contraindications to sound therapy, such as epilepsy or other seizure disorder. Although such a guest is not the energetic focus of the session, the sound will still be present and could affect others in the room who are not being treated. The guest must also be able to sit completely quietly and just observe. Silence is important so that the targeted sound may operate unimpeded and focus is maintained. There should be no distractions. If you would like to come alone but are simply unable to do so, such as having a child in your care, you might consider a distance session as discussed below.

Do you perform distance sessions?

Yes, distance sessions are certainly available. These became common during the COVID pandemic and we have found that they are just as effective as those delivered in person. The simplest and most common way is simply over speakerphone with me standing at the massage table using my sound tools, just as in a normal session, and envisioning your bodily presence, while you rest peacefully in the comfort of your home or whatever location you prefer. The rationale for sessions working effectively in this manner is that, from one philosophical perspective, distance is only a mental construct and energy flows freely where directed, irrespective of physical distance. Zoom sessions can be done if you would rather have one conducted visually, though with an auditory treatment like this, the visual aspect is definitely not necessary. Another alternative is that sessions can begin and end with a visual face-to-face discussion, while the actual working portion of the session is done with audio only. Contact me if you would like a distance session instead of one received in person. Note, however, that no one may receive a distance session without having given their explicit permission; i.e., you will not be allowed to schedule a session for someone else who is unaware of it. Otherwise this would amount to trespassing on the unwitting recipient’s energy field. Consequently all clients must personally read and sign an Informed Consent Form prior to the session.

How will I feel after the session?

There is no one answer, as it depends on the person and what they bring as a vibratory being to the session. But there are some common responses. Afterward some feel relaxed and peaceful, while others feel energized. Some sense a pleasurable whirring sensation in the heart or other chakras. Some feel like a weight has been lifted. Some feel a little spacey at first, though this typically passes quickly. Of course, in such cases you should not drive afterward until feeling fully alert. Some feel unusual bodily sensations, such as tingling, or sense new activity in problem areas. Some get delayed reactions and might later experience something like a vivid and revelatory dream or gain some important and meaningful flash of insight they were seeking. However, in energy work such as this, it is important to note that old emotions and unresolved issues may also come to the surface for release. These have been held in the physical and subtle anatomy and could include sadness, grief or even anger as part of the natural process as they arise for you to deal with them and heal yourself. This might be regarded as emotional detox. In contrast to this, there have been clients who experienced such a feeling of release that they couldn’t help but uncontrollably smile or even lightly chuckle during the closing minutes of the session as their anxieties and the weight of the world just dropped away. It is also possible to experience a physical cleansing or detox reaction following energy work of any kind. This could include headache, fatigue, excessive mucus, sweating, loose stools and other things as the body purges itself. These usually dissipate within 24 - 48 hours. It is wise to drink enough water to stay well-hydrated following a session and to consider baths or foot soaks with Epsom salt. Whatever happens in a session, all of you is welcome. It’s a safe space of no judgment.

Can anyone get a sound therapy session?

Use of tuning forks is generally contraindicated for those with epilepsy or seizure disorders, as some people are sensitive to sound delivered in this manner. Those with such a condition may or may not find it to be triggering, but this is best approached with an abundance of caution. Those with pacemakers and other electrical medical implants should inform me prior to a session and seek the advice of a medical professional before proceeding. Caution is warranted. If a sound session is undertaken in such cases, these areas are best avoided to err on the side of caution. Those seriously ill and at the end of life may find the energy delivered by typical sound therapy techniques overwhelming for the weakened system and it may not be well integrated or tolerated--or even welcomed by the body. However, calming sessions geared toward peace and relaxation can be very helpful. Minors may only receive sound therapy with parental or guardian consent. Simply out of an abundance of caution and due to the sanctity of pregnancy, pregnant women should keep sound sessions on the briefer side. If you are pregnant, or think you may be pregnant, please inform me before the session.
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.” -- Nicola Tesla
"Sound enters the healing equation from several directions: It may alter cellular functions through energetic effects; it may entrain biological systems to function more homeostatically; it may calm the mind and therefore the body; or it may have emotional effects, which influence neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, which in turn help to regulate the immune system--the healer within." -- Mitchell Gaynor, MD
Solfeggio Scale Tones
Numerological Value
Pineal Gland
Solar Plexus
Root or Coccyx
“You can look at disease as a form of disharmony. And there's no organ system in the body that's not affected by sound and music and vibration.” -- Mitchell Gaynor, MD
“The knower of the mystery of sound knows the mystery of the whole universe.” -- Hazrat Inayat Khan
Tel: 505-291-9693 | Cell: 505-459-5477 Email:
© 2023 Michael Leake


What kind of tuning forks do you


I have a variety of tuning forks, but the primary focus at this time is on those set to the ancient Solfeggio scale, though this will be expanded in the near future. I use both standard Solfeggio energy tuners for use off the body and weighted tuners for direct application to the body. I also make use of Fibonacci tuners, OM tuners, angel tuners and others. The tuning forks and techniques used depend upon the client’s specific needs.

What is the Solfeggio scale?

This is an ancient and powerful scale used by the early church. Chants using these tones were thought to bring great spiritual blessings and be imbued with power. Church authorities maintain that this scale was lost to time centuries ago, though it is far more likely that it was just purposely hidden from the masses. It consists of six tones with particular frequencies, measured in Hertz or cycles per second. Below they are shown from the bottom up, as they occur from the base of the spine upward. Using the Pythagorean method, all Solfeggio tones reduce numerologically to a 3, 6 or 9. This is determined by adding up the numbers until they are reduced to a single digit. For instance, for 396 we have 3+9+6=18 and then, broken down further, 1+8=9. Additionally, each tone is vibrationally connected to a chakra or energy center along the spinal axis of the body. The seventh or crown chakra consists of all the six tones combined together. The modern rediscovery of the Solfeggio scale was made by a physician and minister, Dr. Joseph Puleo. In 1974 he had a mystical vision one evening of numbers flashing across his car’s windshield. During his experience, he intuited that the Book of Numbers contained six repeating numeric patterns that were connected to sound. He then set out on a quest to analyze the text and hunt for the patterns. Once they were found, the patterns became obvious. He realized that these were the frequencies of the six missing tones of the Solfeggio scale. An examination of these textual patterns makes clear that pains were taken to hide this numeric coding in plain sight. It is important to note, however, that absolutely no profession of belief in the Bible, nor any religious orientation at all, is necessary to make use of the powerful Solfeggio scale. The history of the scale and how it came to be used is simply offered here for informational purposes. The important thing to know about the Solfeggio scale is its usefulness in bringing about a state of balance.

What happens in a sound therapy


The client lies fully clothed, except for shoes, on a comfortable massage table. Being covered with a sheet or blanket is optional. Tuning forks are sounded and moved through the subtle etheric body that stretches two to three inches beyond the physical body. The focus is on the chakra centers in the spinal system. We work both up the back and down front of the body. Occasionally weighted tuning forks are applied directly to the body in areas specifically needing balance. This generally does not involve hands touching the body, however. Instead it is the base of the tuning fork that rests against the body. If there is any touch or direct contact with the body involved, client permission is always sought first and can always be declined. Clients generally find such sessions incredibly relaxing, and some even fall asleep. But it is also possible that strong emotions, positive or negative, may arise as energy is balanced and released. Sessions generally take between 30 and 45 minutes but can last for up to an hour, particularly with first time clients where introductory information and explanation are offered up front. During that time, sound therapy is discussed, business practices are reviewed and an informed consent form is signed by the client.

Can I bring someone else along to

the session?

While solitary sessions are definitely preferable, if it makes you feel more comfortable, an adult friend or family member may accompany you to your session as long as the guest has no contraindications to sound therapy, such as epilepsy or other seizure disorder. Although such a guest is not the energetic focus of the session, the sound will still be present and could affect others in the room who are not being treated. The guest must also be able to sit completely quietly and just observe. Silence is important so that the targeted sound may operate unimpeded and focus is maintained. There should be no distractions. If you would like to come alone but are simply unable to do so, such as having a child in your care, you might consider a distance session as discussed below.

Do you perform distance sessions?

Yes, distance sessions are certainly available. These became common during the COVID pandemic and we have found that they are just as effective as those delivered in person. The simplest and most common way is simply over speakerphone with me standing at the massage table using my sound tools, just as in a normal session, and envisioning your bodily presence, while you rest peacefully in the comfort of your home or whatever location you prefer. The rationale for sessions working effectively in this manner is that, from one philosophical perspective, distance is only a mental construct and energy flows freely where directed, irrespective of physical distance. Zoom sessions can be done if you would rather have one conducted visually, though with an auditory treatment like this, the visual aspect is definitely not necessary. Another alternative is that sessions can begin and end with a visual face-to-face discussion, while the actual working portion of the session is done with audio only. Contact me if you would like a distance session instead of one received in person. Note, however, that no one may receive a distance session without having given their explicit permission; i.e., you will not be allowed to schedule a session for someone else who is unaware of it. Otherwise this would amount to trespassing on the unwitting recipient’s energy field. Consequently all clients must personally read and sign an Informed Consent Form prior to the session.

How will I feel after the session?

There is no one answer, as it depends on the person and what they bring as a vibratory being to the session. But there are some common responses. Afterward some feel relaxed and peaceful, while others feel energized. Some sense a pleasurable whirring sensation in the heart or other chakras. Some feel like a weight has been lifted. Some feel a little spacey at first, though this typically passes quickly. Of course, in such cases you should not drive afterward until feeling fully alert. Some feel unusual bodily sensations, such as tingling, or sense new activity in problem areas. Some get delayed reactions and might later experience something like a vivid and revelatory dream or gain some important and meaningful flash of insight they were seeking. However, in energy work such as this, it is important to note that old emotions and unresolved issues may also come to the surface for release. These have been held in the physical and subtle anatomy and could include sadness, grief or even anger as part of the natural process as they arise for you to deal with them and heal yourself. This might be regarded as emotional detox. In contrast to this, there have been clients who experienced such a feeling of release that they couldn’t help but uncontrollably smile or even lightly chuckle during the closing minutes of the session as their anxieties and the weight of the world just dropped away. It is also possible to experience a physical cleansing or detox reaction following energy work of any kind. This could include headache, fatigue, excessive mucus, sweating, loose stools and other things as the body purges itself. These usually dissipate within 24 - 48 hours. It is wise to drink enough water to stay well- hydrated following a session and to consider baths or foot soaks with Epsom salt. Whatever happens in a session, all of you is welcome. It’s a safe space of no judgment.

Can anyone get a sound therapy


Use of tuning forks is generally contraindicated for those with epilepsy or seizure disorders, as some people are sensitive to sound delivered in this manner. Those with such a condition may or may not find it to be triggering, but this is best approached with an abundance of caution. Those with pacemakers and other electrical medical implants should inform me prior to a session and seek the advice of a medical professional before proceeding. Caution is warranted. If a sound session is undertaken in such cases, these areas are best avoided to err on the side of caution. Those seriously ill and at the end of life may find the energy delivered by typical sound therapy techniques overwhelming for the weakened system and it may not be well integrated or tolerated--or even welcomed by the body. However, calming sessions geared toward peace and relaxation can be very helpful. Minors may only receive sound therapy with parental or guardian consent. Simply out of an abundance of caution and due to the sanctity of pregnancy, pregnant women should keep sound sessions on the briefer side. If you are pregnant, or think you may be pregnant, please inform me before the session.
"Sound enters the healing equation from several directions: It may alter cellular functions through energetic effects; it may entrain biological systems to function more homeostatically; it may calm the mind and therefore the body; or it may have emotional effects, which influence neurotransmitters and neuropeptides, which in turn help to regulate the immune system--the healer within." -- Mitchell Gaynor, MD
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.” -- Nicola Tesla
Solfeggio Scale Tones
Numerological Value
Pineal Gland
Solar Plexus
Root or Coccyx