Tel: 505-291-9693 | Cell: 505-459-5477 | E-mail:
© 2023 Michael Leake

Services and Pricing


There are several tuning fork modalities offered. Often, two or more of these are combined in a single session. The exact nature of the sessions is a result of discussion with the client to determine what would be most beneficial at that time. Energy Vitality Technique o This is a core technique using the Solfeggio energy tuners. o It balances and harmonizes the subtle body nervous system. Weighted body tuners o These are applied directly to areas of blockage or discomfort and are often placed on accupressure points. o They vibrate deeply into the body. DNA/RNA tuning, including the Ancestral Energy Release technique o Here we work to harmonize ancestral issues that have been passed down and also past life issues that are affecting the present. o We work with DNA and RNA at the etheric level to recode and transcribe. Fibonacci tuners o These help open up consciousness from the pituitary to the pineal. The pineal, or third eye center, is the doorway to alternate dimensions, which can be accessed through sound. o They can empower self-healing and lead to enhanced creativity.


Session rates are as follows: 30 minutes for $50 45 minutes for $70 60 minutes for $90 Note that first time clients who automatically have some introductory discussion at the outset will not have such time count against their session time. The clock will start once the tuning fork session actually commences. Payment is due at the time of service via cash or online payments through PayPal or Venmo. I do not accept credit cards at this time, nor do I accept insurance.
“A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of the body. It permeates the entire being, and according to its particular influence, either slows or quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it either awakens or soothes the nervous system.” -- Hazrat Inayat Khan
Home | Vibration | Bio | FAQ | Services | Contact
“In sound we are born, in sound we are healed.” -- Mehtab Benton
“Sound will be the medicine of the future.” -- Edgar Cayce
Tel: 505-291-9693 | Cell: 505-459-5477 Email:
© 2023 Michael Leake

Services and Pricing


There are several tuning fork modalities offered. Often, two or more of these are combined in a single session. The exact nature of the sessions is a result of discussion with the client to determine what would be most beneficial at that time. Energy Vitality Technique o This is a core technique using the Solfeggio energy tuners. o It balances and harmonizes the subtle body nervous system. Weighted body tuners o These are applied directly to areas of blockage or discomfort and are often placed on accupressure points. o They vibrate deeply into the body. DNA/RNA tuning, including the Ancestral Energy Release technique o Here we work to harmonize ancestral issues that have been passed down and also past life issues that are affecting the present. o We work with DNA and RNA at the etheric level to recode and transcribe. Fibonacci tuners o These help open up consciousness from the pituitary to the pineal. The pineal, or third eye center, is the doorway to alternate dimensions, which can be accessed through sound. o They can empower self-healing and lead to enhanced creativity.


Session rates are as follows: 30 minutes for $50 45 minutes for $70 60 minutes for $90 Note that first time clients who automatically have some introductory discussion at the outset will not have such time count against their session time. The clock will start once the tuning fork session actually commences. Payment is due at the time of service via cash or online payments through PayPal or Venmo. I do not accept credit cards at this time, nor do I accept insurance.
“A person does not hear sound only through the ears; he hears sound through every pore of the body. It permeates the entire being, and according to its particular influence, either slows or quickens the rhythm of the blood circulation; it either awakens or soothes the nervous system.” -- Hazrat Inayat Khan
Home | Vibration | Bio | FAQ | Services | Contact
“In sound we are born, in sound we are healed.” -- Mehtab Benton
“Sound will be the medicine of the future.” -- Edgar Cayce